Normally, I blog all over the place on the weekend. This weekend, though? I realized on Saturday that I had left my computer at work. This is a rare and strange happening because my Mac is like my assistant. I go nowhere without him and would never think of leaving him behind on purpose. Friday was an odd afternoon, though, and I ended up leaving the office without him.
And, I didn't notice until Saturday because I have been reading like a fiend. I devoured two books in a matter of days...I should be doing office or housework, mind you!
I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but once I started The Hunger Games, I couldn't put the books down until I finished. I have read the first two and by tomorrow, will be able to take the third one from M1. I will need to hide it somewhere, though, because I simply have too much to do to sit and read it until it's finished!
I have a huge list of things I'm planning to blog about including, but not limited to, GI benefit transfers and how military spouses should prepare their budget for deployment plus plan for contingencies in the case of their own illness or death. But what did I do instead?! Forget my computer at the office and sit around reading two of the three hottest young adult books on the market. There truly is no excuse...except that the books are really that good. If you're looking for a cleverly written book based on a novel concept (no pun intended!), then you may want to read your teen's room and purloin their copies of this trilogy.
M1 already has her opening night tickets purchased. She and her bestie, her bestie's mom and bestie's neighbor lady will brave the theater on the first night. I'm sure once I've finished the trilogy, we will go again (probably taking the bestie along).
Books like this keep me longing to work on my own! Oh, someday soon...