Uh, no, "Mr. President", it is not anything like Special Olympics. This little clip from last night's Leno show demonstrates a few things:
1) The very good reason why a sitting President has never gone on a live talk show like Leno's.
2) Without a teleprompter's guidance, nailing his shoes to the floor may be necessary to keep them from his mouth.
3) He has never bowled against a Special Olympian, or someone who qualifies for entry into Special Olympics. You bowl a 129 in a game against one of them and you will have your ass handed to you. Period. At least your competition won't laugh you right off the lanes, usually, in a match-up like that, but they should.
4) He overestimates his charisma by a long shot.
If you missed Leno, here it is. Luckily, Leno's joke cracked the audience up enough that they missed the aside by his guest making a reference to the Special Olympics. If one knows anything about athletes who compete in the Special Olympics or have ever volunteered with groups who take such individuals to engage in physical activity, but especially bowling, you know unless you're bowling against a small, young girl, a 129 is nothing like Special Olympics.
Go ahead and say it--people make references like this all the time. Yep. Sure do. But--none of those people are the PRESIDENT. He needs to start acting like he has some fetching up and soon. Routinely showing one's ass is never good, especially if you're in a position of power with all eyes on you.
It reminds me of the South Park when Cartman tries out for the Special Olympics, thinking he will take the gold in every event. He comes in dead last in everything. Obama would too.
What a freaking bonehead.
Posted by: Sarah | 20 March 2009 at 03:46 PM